Dr. Hare's Secret Lab

Oh, no! Dr. Hare is back and up to his dirty tricks again! You've GOT to stop him! I thought I blasted him into space for good...
Video Walkthrough
TIP: If you find it too hard, then do this:
- If you have the Jetpack from Early Poptropica: Go to Early Poptropica and wear the jetpack. Then, use the Earth Day card. You'll be able to fly vertically across the floors!
- If you have the Flying Power from Super Power: Go to Super Power and activate the flying power. Then, use the Earth Day card. You'll be able to fly vertically across the floors! NOTE: This method is not as good as the first one because this version is harder to control.
- There is also a free version: Go to Counterfeit and get a balloon from the Clown Store in Downtown (won't work at night). Then, use the Earth Day card. You will be able to fly horizontally across the floors! NOTE: This method is extremely difficult to control.
Poptropica Cheats for Dr. Hare's Secret Lab
Let's bring this rabbit down for good. Run right and hop up to the lab. Keep going and jump over the gap. Talk to one of Dr. Hare's former mind-slaves and he will tell you about the rabbot suit. We have to find three key cards from the maze room to unlock it and stop him! Drop off and onto the moving platform, Get off on the lower platform and enter the maze. Here you have to find three colored key cards that are locked in separate rooms. Pressing and holding on a switch will open the room of the same color, but you need to keep it held. So you use the crates scattered around the room. But watch out for the guards -- they will catch you if you move in front of them! You can hide behind the big crates of carrots. These are the instructions:
- go right
- jump past the laser and onto the moving platform
- push the crate right when it reaches the top
- shove it into the switch to open the red room
- get back on the platform and jump left at the top this time; make sure to land on the upper platform to avoid the guard
- quickly jump up to the laser platform
- when it's safe (the guard below is looking left) drop down behind him and quickly jump off right
- walk right and collect the first key card
- get back onto the yellow moving platform
- drop down at the bottom
- shove the crate off the moving platform to the right and follow it down
- push it left onto the blue switch
- jump up, jump again, and go left and onto the moving platform
- run off left at the bottom and collect the blue card
- jump back on the platform
- jump off left at the top
- jump up
- jump onto the moving platform and shove off the crate left and follow it down
- push it into the purple switch
- get back on the platform and jump off right at the top
- jump left and collect the purple card
- drop off right onto the moving platform and get off right at the bottom, then leave