Wimpy Boardwalk Island

It's summertime, but the living ain't easy for a wimpy kid. When Greg and Rowley visit the boardwalk for a relaxing beach vacation, they never expect to run afoul of thieving teens, ravenous seagulls, and crooked carnies. Only you can clean up Greg's mess before vacation ends!
Poptropica Cheats for Wimpy Boardwalk Island
Talk to Rowley and Greg, to either sides of you when you first drop in on the island. Uh-oh! Greg's last $20 was whisked away by the wind! And now those cruel teens have run off with it. Follow Greg in that direction, to the Boardwalk Arcade. But first, there's a little kid who lost his flying disk on the roof of the arcade. You can jump there from the trash can, but the roof is too hot. Talk to Greg, and you'll find out that the teens have disappeared. Continue on to the beach. Talk to the souvenir seller and he'll let you have your picture taken and give you a bottle of sunblock for free. Keep going to the badly sunburned dude near the water and run some of the sunscreen on his back. He'll reward you with some suntan lotion. Jump from the trash can to the far left to grab the keychain from the seagull. Give it back to the guy with the metal detector, and he will reward you with it.
You can scan it over the beach at any time to get more tokens. There are also tokens hidden all over the island; some are at the Fun House at the very left of the island. Go back to the boardwalk arcade, and you'll find the teens. They're teasing Greg and others by yanking the $20 bill whenever someone gets close. You can go back to the beach, step below the stairs and then go left to scare them off. But they'll come back anyway, so don't waste your time here now. Keep going. You can play some of the arcade games now; just go back to the beach to reload your coins. Don't bother with Himalayan Hurl until later, though. But for now go all the way left to the Boardwalk Rides. Climb onto the second-from bottom Cranium Shaker car and grab the trash can cover. Take it to the open trash can a little to the left, put it on, then carry it right to the cotton candy and open the trash can. Click on it to dig to the bottom of the can. Grab the popcorn bag and walk left, to the popcorn seller. Show it to him for a free refill. Run left and talk to the lady who lost her car keys. Then head back to the beach.
Go to the lady on the purple towel and dump the popcorn there. Aah! The seagulls are swooping down to eat the popcorn, while scaring the lady away. Use the metal detector here and grab the car keys. Take them back to the lady in the parking lot. Or, you could spend some time collecting tokens for the boardwalk games, it's your choice. She'll give you a pair of flip-flops. Head to the Boardwalk Arcade and put them on. Hop onto the trash can, and then to the roof to the left. Grab the flying disc and give it to the little crying kid there. He'll let you in on a secret: you can play a free Volcano Claw game by jiggling the stick. Okay, then! Start playing, clearing out the area in the middle of the screen. Grab the green swirly stuff. You'll find out it's some fake vomit -- yuck! Run to the Bumper Cars ride in the Boardwalk Rides area and drop it in the middle of the line. Everyone will scatter, and you can play the game. You have to crash into Rowley's red car to make him drop his lucky rabbit's foot. Take it back to the Boardwalk Games area and play the Himalayan Hurl. Since you have your good luck charm with you, you win the game. Now go through all of the other games, until you get the Jumbo Prize for beating all of them. Here are some tips:
- Fastball Fury Shoot one ball really fast and one a little slower than the middle of the line. Memorize the speeds of both, and you can probably guess the third ball.
- Circus Soaker Simple -- simply shoot water into the hole in your clown's mouth by following the hole with your mouse pressed down until your balloon pops.
- Space Fling Slightly tougher than the others. What I do is drag the disk to the bottom of the screen under the bottle you want, then quickly bring the mouse forward and drop the mouse button a little over halfway to the bottle's rim.
- Pirate Panic Same technique as Space Fling, but this time aim for the very center of the tower. This one is a little easier than Space Fling, though.
Members-only Thunder Volt Bonus Quest

Uh-oh... the Jeffersons are getting ready to leave, but Greg is still stuck in the Arcade! Now you have to help him beat the angry second-place score on Thunder Volt to save his dignity. Talk to Greg, then click on Thunder Volt to play. If you're out of coins, you can try crashing people on the bumper cars. The point of this (extremely difficult) game is to basically shoot everyone you see. You have health, weapon, and score powerups to help you, plus one that clears all visible enemies. At the end of each wave is a big boss, who is much tougher to bring down. The trick of this game is to keep moving, and always keep your mouse down (to shoot) so you can blow up enemies without thinking about it. You have to beat the second-place score, 80,000, to win. As I said before, this game is EXTREMELY HARD. So don't get angry if you lose the first thousand times.