Info Page on Zeus
Zeus in Poptropica
This page is part of the info pages on the gods of Mythology Island. It is not written by me (but some of it is edited by me.)
Zeus is the most powerful god of all. He is the ruler of the heavens, and is often known as the thunder god. He is most famous for his powerful thunderbolts, and ancient Greeks believed he created thunderstorms to exert his power or frighten his enemies.
Zeus rules over all the other gods upon Mount Olympus. He was the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea, two of the original Titans that ruled before the Gods. But Cronus learned that his youngest son was destined to overthrow him, so he began to swallow his newborn children whole. Rhea did not want her youngest son to be devoured, so she tricked Cronus by giving him a stone wrapped in a baby’s blanket. Thus, Zeus was spared this horrible fate. He was taken away to Crete where he was raised by a divine goat named Amaltheia.
Zeus later led a rebellion against his father, and freed his brothers and sisters. Together, they overthrew the Titans and banished them. Thus the age of the Gods began, with Zeus as their leader.
Zeus is the most powerful god of all. He is the ruler of the heavens, and is often known as the thunder god. He is most famous for his powerful thunderbolts, and ancient Greeks believed he created thunderstorms to exert his power or frighten his enemies.
Zeus rules over all the other gods upon Mount Olympus. He was the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea, two of the original Titans that ruled before the Gods. But Cronus learned that his youngest son was destined to overthrow him, so he began to swallow his newborn children whole. Rhea did not want her youngest son to be devoured, so she tricked Cronus by giving him a stone wrapped in a baby’s blanket. Thus, Zeus was spared this horrible fate. He was taken away to Crete where he was raised by a divine goat named Amaltheia.
Zeus later led a rebellion against his father, and freed his brothers and sisters. Together, they overthrew the Titans and banished them. Thus the age of the Gods began, with Zeus as their leader.