Galactic Hot Dogs IslandFrom the hit illustrated novel comes the zaniest Poptropica adventure yet. Hop aboard the Neon Wiener for an intergalactic voyage with Cosmoe, Humphree, and Princess Dagger!
This is a sponsored island in the art style of Galactic Hot Dogs.
Video Walkthrough
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Written Guide
As you land on the island, you see a gigantic yellow spaceship -- the Neon Wiener! Go inside, go all the way right, and talk to Cosmoe, the ship's captain. Something's wrong with his nuclear hibachi, and he can't prepare his hot dog for the contest in time! He'll give you a fuel cell to store a nuclear pellet in. Leave the ship and run all the way left, to the next area: the Arena.
You'll witness an interesting conversation between the evil queen and her rebellious daughter. Keep walking left. Talk to the Milky Way Maki stand owner, and grab the giant spatula next to him.
After that, if you'll go to the far left, you'll notice a truck full of nuclear pellets -- but it's guarded by Jacks. So go all the way right and click on the loudspeaker. Say something. The Jacks will run to stop you, and when they do, run left. Jump onto the nuclear truck and USE the spatula to open it. Then USE the fuel cell to collect a pellet. Now run all the way right and into the Neon Wiener ship.
USE the fuel cell in front of Cosmoe. He'll cook up the Mega-Dog and run off to the contest. Unfortunately, the crew gets heavily assaulted and shot at upon reaching there and have to evacuate in the spaceship. Even further more unfortunate, they are being chased by the Royal Navy on the assumption that they've kidnapped the princess. The crew then gets scattered through a wormhole during a desperate escape maneuver. Wow, that was random.
If you talk to Fred the robot, you'll see a 25-tile map of the galaxy in which to begin your search for the missing crew members. Here's the key:
This is a desert planet, full of eroded red stone and falling boulders. Go right until you're stopped by a column of rock. Wait a while, and a boulder will crush it. Jump over and stand on top of the ceiling of the bat cave. When it breaks open, you can drop in and collect the Guano (trust me, there's a purpose to this madness). We need more tools to save Princess Dagger though, so return to the ship and go to square 2C.
To find Humpree's planet, go to the yellow star in the center of the square and fly up and right until you see two green planets. Click on the one to the right. On this strange mushroom jungle planet, bat guano will cause the extremely bouncy mushrooms to change direction. Equip the guano, then go right and jump on the first mushroom to the right. You'll land on a high-up platform with lots of mushrooms.
Pressing the spacebar near a mushroom's root will fertilize it and make it turn to the opposite direction (why, I have no clue). Fertilize the two leftmost mushrooms, then go back right. Go to the rightmost mushroom and use the fertilizer. Then use it again on the mushroom left of it. Bounce on this one, then drop down off the left side of the platform, landing on the rightmost mushroom. You should fly left, land on a platform, and then collect the purple fruit. Now drop off to the right; with luck, you'll start off a chain reaction and bounce straight to the top-right of the scene, whereupon you can continue right.
This puzzle can get tricky. You want to get to the top, where Humphree is being held. Follow the diagram to the left to reach the top. (If you'd also like written instructions, just leave a comment at the bottom of this page and I'll add them).
Hooray, Humphree is free! Return to the ship and click on Fred. Before we go and rescue Cosmoe, we need to return to Funketoun (the Arena). Give the fruit to the man at Milky Way Maki stand, and he'll trade you an giant egg. Now, let's find Cosmoe at square 3D. Click on the small green star near the center and go to the Earth-like planet left of the sun.
Go left and climb to the topmost platform there. Wait for a green pterodactyl (henceforth I'll call them birds), then jump on its back. When it flies under the platform to the right, jump up and wait for the next bird. Jump on its back, and stay alert: you'll have to jump to dodge the stinging bees. At the far left, collect the seed pod and go left.
More birds! This can get tricky to coordinate. Run all the way left and jump on the bird there. As it goes right past the bee, jump on the next bird, then jump to the next highest bird before you pass the bee again. Finally, quickly jump up to the platform with the small nest. Wait until a bird passes beneath you to the left and drop onto that one. Jump over the bee to dodge it, making sure you land back on the bird going left. At the far left, jump up onto the wide platform and wait for a bigger bird to come in from the left. Jump onto it, and it'll take you to the mother's nest!
Cosmoe's in a bit of a silly situation here, isn't he? USE the egg you got and it'll replace Cosmoe, allowing him to walk out. Woo-hoo! 2 down, 1 more to go!
Time for another quick trading detour to Funketoun. Give the seed pod you found to the stand owner and you'll get a platter of bouncy gelatin salad in return. Yummy, but don't eat it. Talk to FRED. To find Princess Dagger, click on the image of the planet next to the picture of her face. Equip the salad. You'll find that the falling rocks will bounce straight up when you're holding the jelly. Go right, to the next area. Run right until you're just outside the entrance to the cave and wait for a rock to fall on the gelatin. When it does, move slightly to the right . By repeating this you can move the rock in a certain direction, and any rock it hits will be pulverized. Clear a path to the right by clearing away any rocks or stalactites this way (and whatever you do, don't jump). Eventually, you'll break Princess Dagger out of her prison! (The first time you get near her, she'll start to talk with you, which may cause you to drop the rock; watch out for that!)
The crew of the Neon Wiener is back again! They've all experienced some sort of hallucination as they were sucked away... or was it really a message? Talk to each of them. Now you know the treasure map is in square 5E. Go to the bottom-most red star in that square and fly to the bottom-left corner. Click on the swirling cloud of debris; that's the ghost ship we're looking for!
This next part is hard but not impossible; it's a skill to be developed through practice. You've moving forward through the debris field and you have to avoid hitting floating objects or the green clouds to the top and bottom. You can only get hit five times. When your mouse is pressed down, you rise; otherwise you fall. Try not to exert too much control; you want to let yourself get in a rhythm of falling and then pressing and holding the mouse for a half second or so to counteract the fall, then repeat. That way, you can hold a straight line -- useful when near the edges. Pick an edge to stay on -- I chose the bottom -- to keep yourself in a ready position.
The interior of the ghost ship is full of unnecessarily creepy little haunted house-style props; don't let yourself get scared or distracted by them. Jump up to the platform above you. Click on the bottom box and it'll open to reveal a map piece (looks sort of like a turtle shell, doesn't it). Make your way straight up until you're on a platform with a purple switch to the right. Click on the switch. It'll open a door, then go left and through the door. Go left and drop down, then go right and down the rope. Flick the switch there. Climb the rope again and go left, then drop down. Go right, and climb down the rope. Walk left until you reach the stack of boxes and barrels. Click on the barrels until a map piece comes out of one. Climb the stacks. Now to the left and up is a switch, and to the right is a ladder. Flick the switch, then go up the ladder. Click on the dead captain and collect the map piece. Whatever does he mean by "there is only evil"? And why is a dead man talking? Anyway, go back the way you came and through the door.
Oh no! The ship is under attack again! The crew is going to fight bravely, and go down with the ship if need be... wait... or they could just press the red button. When they do, a gigantic quantity of hot dogs erupt from the exhaust of the Neon Wiener, giving it the burst of speed it needed and blasting the enemy ships out of the cosmos. Hot dog! The story of this island is to be continued in Cosmoe's Wiener Getaway, by Max Brallier and illustrated by Rachel Maguire. Sounds fun if you want to know what happens next!