Click here for the guide to Survival Island!
Survival Island, episode 1, is here for members to play! In this episode you get stranded on a cold, snowy land and you have you build a fire before you die of hypothermia. The Poptrickia guide will be ready soon, but don't despair; it's updated as I go. Update: The guide for episode 1 is now complete! (It'll be going through some minor rewriting, but don't you worry about that.) Click here for the guide to Survival Island! The long-awaited Monster Carnival is truly complete at last, because it has come out of Early Access. Play it now with our high-quality MCI guide, or if you're still reluctant, then check out my review of the Island.
Turns out I was wrong about my prediction. Survival Island is the upcoming island, not Deep Dive (although Deep Dive is still coming soon). Both, and all future islands, are going to be released in episodes rather than all at once. That means that we'll get less islands in the entire year, but they'll be spread out. I protest this change because of a few reasons:
Anyway, the first episode comes out on the 20th. In it, you crash-land in the Yukon and have to make a fire as it gets colder and colder at night. Next episode, you have to fish for food under ice. Also, you have a guidebook that you (my guess) have to rip pages out of to light the fire. As you can guess, that will complicate things... More Advertising! Boo-hoo!First of all, the ads on the sides of the screen that have always been there are different. They're animated now! A small step, but still disturbing. Even worse! Go to any Old Pop island (like Night Watch) and go left of Main Street. There's a new ad space! This one is much wider, and you have to walk through it rather than click the sign to continue. Soon it'll have more ads on it... oh, no. Does anybody realize what's happening? Mocktropica is coming true! All Islands to Be Updated
Observant Poptropicans have probably already guessed this, but the next Poptropica island is going to be called... *drumroll*... Deep Dive Island! As I talked about earlier, it might take place in Yellowstone National Park. There are plenty of underground caves, mountains, and geyser pictures in the Daily Pops. And of course, we're going to be underwater. But we have absolutely no clues about the story behind Deep Dive. Also, the island is only about half-uploaded to Poptropica; so expect it to take a while to release. This is probably the Create Your Dream Island winner, because it's the newest island and the Creators have been teasing us lately. There's a new mini-quest coming to Poptropica: Survival. It seems like a limited-time thing, because there's a card in the store that says "Survival - Episode 1" on it. So it's going to come out in little episodes, like a TV show. *Ahem*, haven't we already had Reality TV? If you get the card, you can't use it from the Store Items. This means that it's for a New Pop island that you can use from the new island itself. And of course there's another card that doesn't even load... In Survival, you are stranded on some deserted land after a storm. We don't know much about Survival yet either, so I encourage you to browse the Sneak Peeks. How to tell which is Deep Dive and which is Survival: Look at the sky and trees. The Survival moon looks like the one in the image to right, and the leaves look like the leaves in the picture above. The sky is a dark blue gradient, and there is snow on the island. Click on the images below to enlarge, and comment if you have news! |
This is Poptrickia, serving you tips, tricks, cheats and more on the awesome game Poptropica for free since 2010! We've got this blog (we call it the Journal), full written walkthroughs for every island and quest in existence, and videos too!
All content on this blog is original and first posted on Poptrickia. Enjoy!
That's Me!
My username is poptrickia28. Do friend me!
May 2017