YES!!! The Legend has finally been revealed... and it IS very similar to Astro-Knights. But it's not an island, it's a mini-quest in the store. It's called Legendary Swords and I cannot wait to slice some robots! Oh yeah! Dr. Hare is back (just a theory!) Annnddd... Ah-ha! Holmes, you've been caught red-handed designing evil robots!
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A ton has happened in Poptropica lately... a new Stats page format, new icons for the Store, and all those crazy people running around in discontinued costumes. Very minor. But THIS... AWESOME!!! This and my twisted imagination has helped me figure out some big chunks of info on Robots island. The first thing I noticed was that this is happening in Mr. Yoshi's Really Terrific Challenge. The second thing I noticed is that you're trapped in an egg. Hmm... and we all know Mr. Yoshi is evil... Well, at least we know where those game shows are coming from now. I smell a con game... I remember that retirement home... it was attacked by robots! And that $pin for Riche$ thing in making me suspicious. Oh, but that's not all! Click Read More for some creepy robots (again?) Two of the most hyped costumes are back in the store for members! I'm especially interested in the pirate, since I missed it. And members: once you but these items, you can keep them even after your membership expires! Ah, there are benefits to being a member... not meaning to brag... Oh yeah, and that creepy heat map video has now been explained... It looks like you'll have to fool the robot's systems to get into... whatever you're after here. And it looks like the Creators are working on a little something for your iPhone... see the official blog for details (not many yet) Wait till you look what I spotted in the Daily Pop today: Which is awesome. But what doesn't fit is... I guess we all knew about the reality game shows by now. But it continues to amaze me how it fits in with the robots thing. I guess we'll just have to wait.
Head on over to the first issue of my magazine! I hope it turns out great, gimme feedback through the comments there! This one includes sections Monster Island, The Freak Show, Imaginary Islands, I bet you Didn't Know HALF of These, and Funny Bunny (most of which will be continued in the next issue.) Hey, what are you doing on THIS page?! SCRAM!!! Hold on... WAIT UP! I've got a cool sneak peek of Robots Island... Okay, so this basically proves the robots aren't destroying Earth. They're BRAINWASHING everyone on it! Oh, and I've ALREADY found a glitch on Mystery Train... Three reasons I haven't posted for almost a week: (1) Really, haven't got anything to post about! (2) School is getting in high gear, (3) and... I'm lazy. Ick. Did someone blow up the printer? The Creators recently received a copy of the Official Poptropica Guide that will put me out of business :(... You can order it October 13th (or just pre-order now!) The guide's color is all messed up... not too impressive even for a first draft... Oh, and about that robots-only nightclub... click Read More below to find out... I checked out the Daily Pop for the first time in a while now, and some new technology, giant robotic sharks (again?), and world domination caught my eye. Here it is, folks! Hit Read More for the rest! Whoa! This video totally blew me away. Recently posted by the Creators, it shows a Poptropican shown as nothing but a blob of light! We all know this footage is from Robots Island -- the Museum gives it away. So maybe this is how robots see you??? There's a technology called infrared that takes photos/videos using infrared instead of normal light. Heat shows up brighter, exactly like the Poptropican below. Hmm... |
This is Poptrickia, serving you tips, tricks, cheats and more on the awesome game Poptropica for free since 2010! We've got this blog (we call it the Journal), full written walkthroughs for every island and quest in existence, and videos too!
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May 2017
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