![]() Our favorite wimpy kid is back -- and this time, in full color! In Wimpy Boardwalk Island, Greg's family goes on a disastrous trip to the beach. This looks like an exciting sequel to Wimpy Wonderland Island!
Guess who's coming back to Poptropica? Come on, you oughta be good at this! That's right, Greg Heffley, from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series and Wimpy Wonderland Island, is going to be back on May 30th! Stay tuned 'till then!
![]() The Poptropolis Games Island Guide is complete, including the Members-only Bonus quest! Members, head on over there if you're stuck right now! ![]() After a whole month of waiting, Poptropolis Island rises above the waves to welcome Poptropicans with Membership. I'm writing the guide and playing the island right now, and if you're a Member, you should be, too! Have fun! The final four Poptropolis Games tribes have been announced. They're looking better than the first lot! I personally can't choose between one of the eight tribes, but maybe you can. Take a look at this compilation, and the my post about first four tribes, and then vote for your tribe of choice by means of the poll in the sidebar of the Poptropica Creator's Blog. Currently, the Wildfire tribe is in the lead, followed not-very-closely by Seraphim. Personally, I can't understand why. I'd much rather go with the Nightcrawlers or Nanobots. But that's how it is. ![]() I have a strong suspicion that a new installment of Legendary Swords is on the way. If you don't believe me, then look at the Sneak Peeks; any picture with a Poptropican wearing a bone mask has something to do with Legendary Swords. But while we're all waiting for that, Legendary Swords has become completely free! Anyone can now play through all levels of the game, and they can, of course, use my guide to aid them. Soon we'll all probably be able to see what happens next with Dr. E. Vile. And remember to be waiting for Poptropolis Games Island on Thursday! We're all excited about the upcoming Poptropolis Games Island; it looks like a change from the regular story format of the other islands. Here's a look at the first four Poptropolis Games tribes... (click them for more info) These are looking pretty cool! Personally, I'm for the Nightcrawlers. But they're all pretty good. And remember, there are still four more to be revealed! In other news, remember the Poptropica cheats mobile app? Well, the Vampire's Curse walkthrough is available for free in it now! Of course, all of my guides are completely free... ![]() Poptropica Friends, as I'm sure you've guessed, has become insanely POP-ular. Unfortunately Poptropica's servers can't handle this load and we won't be able to enjoy the full benefits until later. Darn it! Most of you here have played through Counterfeit Island, right? So you must remember the Scream painting. Guess what? The original of The Scream just sold for $119,900,000 American dollars! That's the highest anyone's ever paid for a painting! Now you know the Black Widow's motive for snatching this painting. I also suspect that the island after Poptropolis Games is going to have a space theme, or it's going to be another installment of Legendary Swords. Why do I think that? Because of these Sneak Peeks, and more. Head on over to the Daily Pop for the rest!
![]() Finally, after almost a month of waiting, Poptropica Friends has arrived! You can now make friend and keep track of their progress and achievements, and answer pop quizzes to build up your personality profile. You can take photos of yourself in certain parts of the game, and store up to thirty custom costumes! (if you're a Member.) And of course, if you're lonely you can always add our pal Captain Crawfish as a friend: username "captaincrawfishcreator." ![]() Twisted Thicket Island is now also available to non-Members! You can use my guide if you're stuck. And tough as it is, I guarantee you Twisted Thicket is the most magical island in existence! Poptropolis Games island now has a info page! It looks like this island is based on this year's Olympic games, which are to be held in London.
This is Poptrickia, serving you tips, tricks, cheats and more on the awesome game Poptropica for free since 2010! We've got this blog (we call it the Journal), full written walkthroughs for every island and quest in existence, and videos too!
All content on this blog is original and first posted on Poptrickia. Enjoy!
That's Me!
My username is poptrickia28. Do friend me!
May 2017