If you're surprised by the news, you're not alone. Earlier today, the Creators suddenly announced that Escape from Pelican Rock Island would be releasing later in the day! Usually the Creators give warning well in advance for new islands, but this was quite out of the blue. To catch up, the official description for the island is: Pelican Rock is the toughest prison ever built. And after you're framed for a crime you didn't commit, it's your new home! Use your wits to devise an escape plan, and your nerve to pull it off. But getting out is just the beginning — because the real criminal is still out there! The written Island guide is complete with pictures! Click here for the Island page and walkthrough! |
The written guide has been finished, and you can see it here. In the meantime, check out Captain Crawfish's walkthrough below! (remind me to do a grumbling post about the injustice of Creators releasing official walkthroughs before the year is out).
In other news, the Main Street preview for Pelican Rock Island is open to all Poptropicans. If you go to it from the map, you can explore the (still unfinished) Main Street of the upcoming island, and there are a number of free things you can get by walking left and talking to the characters, namely these two: That dog's gotta be the funniest and most creative Follower ever in Poptropica :). And last but not least, if you go all the way right on the preview, you can check out the Photo Booth. This is just like the Photo Booth on the Home Island, but with prison-themed items and backgrounds. All this elaborate pre-Island hype, plus the Creators' promise that Pelican Rock is like no other island, is definitely getting me intrigued! Quick interesting aside: many people aren't impressed with Poptropica's new homepage (well, it's almost a year old now, but it's new in relation to the 8 years of the game's history). Yes, it looks great aesthetically, but there's a lot more distracting clutter, links, and ads that you have to load and see before clicking on the Play Now button, which some older players don't like. But there's a way to get the old homepage back! The following link takes you to a clutter-free "Poptropica Login" page almost like the classic main page. After you log in, things continue the way you're used to. It's at http://www.poptropica.com/play-poptropica.php I don't know how long it'll be here, but might as well bookmark it while it lasts!
If you haven't won the Hide & Seek yet, what are you waiting for? There's a new image and a new challenge up already, go check it out and give it a try! And if you're up for something more like this, check out the Stolen Snapshots game on my friend Slippery Raptor's blog; the format's similar, the games are harder :) Ever wish there were even more ways to connect with the Poptropica community than Twitter? Well, now there is: HPuterpop and the Poptropica Help Blog team have recently released the new Poptropica subreddit! Older Poptropica players can post and comment on all things Poptropica over on r/poptropicahelp, so come join and help the forum grow! Anyway, that's all for today! Enjoy the month of holidays, and I hope I'll get an opportunity to post more often; at least once before my traditional New Years' post. :)
First of all, sorry for the extended lack of new blog posts here on Poptrickia. The truth is that I was sick for a while, which put me behind in school, so I had to spend a lot of time catching up, and then the midterms rolled around so I was occupied studying. I always try to post regularly though, so please excuse the lateness! The newest upcoming Poptropica island has been announced: Escape from Pelican Rock! For months we've been drooling over Daily Pop sneak peeks of scenes that appear to take place in a kind of prison, and now we've got this exciting plot:
(off-topic note: does anyone else think the music to the trailer seems a little off for the theme it's trying to convey? Perhaps it's just because I first heard that music on Mystery of the Map and I've got the tropical image stuck in my head, but eh). If you're hungering for some imagery from the island, check out the recent sneak peeks, starting from around August. In addition, the Creators are giving away some cool free stuff in anticipation of the island's release. They've already put the Escapee Dr. Hare costume in the Store for Members (don't worry, we're unlikely to actually see Dr. Hare as a character on the island), and this Thursday all players will be able to get some more items. We don't know exactly what they will be, but the Creators have given this screenshot as a hint, so it may be something to do with the police dog shown in the picture: Time willing, I may be able to get some even more top-secret sneak peeks directly from the Island's files later this week or next; not promising anything though! Moving away from that topic, also on Thursday, the Creators have announced that a World Champions map for Reality TV Island will be created! Not only that, first-time completions will give 200 credits rather than the usual 150. That should inspire some heavy competition :). Also, it's very important to note, that to get on the Champions map, you will most likely have to restart the island, not just play the game show again. Again, that's not confirmed yet, but it's likely. Alright, that's all I've got for today! Enjoy the upcoming excitement of Escape from Pelican Rock, and I definitely hope to find time away from schoolwork to post more often!
This is Poptrickia, serving you tips, tricks, cheats and more on the awesome game Poptropica for free since 2010! We've got this blog (we call it the Journal), full written walkthroughs for every island and quest in existence, and videos too!
All content on this blog is original and first posted on Poptrickia. Enjoy!
That's Me!
My username is poptrickia28. Do friend me!
May 2017