Poptropica Cheats for Lunar Colony Island [Poptrickia]
My Lunar Colony Island walkthrough is complete! And that makes this about the tenth time I've completed an island walkthrough the day after it was released. Maybe I should start a "Next Day Guarantee" on my website. Maybe... But back on track... the Members-only Bonus Quest walkthrough should be finished sometime today, or possibly early tomorrow. Stay tuned! Poptropica Cheats for Lunar Colony Island [Poptrickia]
Lunar Colony Island is, after a long wait, finally available for Members! Everyone else can play starting September 6th. I'm pretty psyched to get started with this island and write my guide, but --unfortunately-- *ahem* I have a school orientation today and can only play a little bit. But I'll really get started tomorrow, I promise! The guide, however unfinished, is available here. Oh yeah, and sorry for my last post's... negative... attitude. School stress, you know? Yes. Yes, you do.
This leads me to believe that the next island will be something approaching a villain stand-off. Maybe it's you against all the villains, or all the villains have their own agendas for world destruction/domination and you have to stop them. I don't know. It's too early to tell. I'm tired of speculating what the next island will be. Use your imagination. Lunar Colony island will be releasing Thursday, August 16; which I can't play because I've got my school orientation that day. If my life gets any more exciting, I will snap. Over and out.
You're lucky enough to be chosen for a mission to the Moon aboard a PASE rocket. But the mission goes disastrously off track when a piece of wayward space debris punctures a hole in your craft! You're stranded on the moon and must build a colony to survive. That seems to be the description of Poptropica's latest (and it seems like, greatest) island, Lunar Colony! Not that the above description may or may not be wholly true; you'll have to wait a bit longer until details come out. This one looks very fun and interesting; it might even take the spot of my favorite island from Astro-Knights. Has anyone here seen the movie Apollo 13? The island trailer sure reminds me of that. See it for yourself: Ah, now we know where the screenshots from my last post came from. Stay tuned for updates!
This is Poptrickia, serving you tips, tricks, cheats and more on the awesome game Poptropica for free since 2010! We've got this blog (we call it the Journal), full written walkthroughs for every island and quest in existence, and videos too!
All content on this blog is original and first posted on Poptrickia. Enjoy!
That's Me!
My username is poptrickia28. Do friend me!
May 2017