I gotta tell you, I was kind of tired of the hype by the time I saw the name of this Creators' Blog post. But I was not disappointed when I read it. The premise is: "On Arabian Nights Island, Poptropicans go on a quest across the desert to rescue a sultan's genie from the Forty Thieves."
I've always loved the Arabian Nights stories. Seeing the next Poptropica Island be based on it gave me goosebumps! I think it's going to be able to get the same amount, if not more, of success as Mythology. Both are based on exciting, ancient stories that never get old. I'll be eternally grateful to Magic Eagle, the Poptropican who proposed this island.
UPDATE: Check out this short video of the Creators reading the contest entries! I wonder what the woman at the end did with that envelope -- is there a bin or something down there? The world will never know. | |
You can read through all of the runner-up entries on this Creators' Blog tag, some of which were (I thought) as good as the winner. They don't give nearly enough details, but my personal favorites (in no particular order) were Stormchaser Island, Space Bar Island (Cyberchase anyone? I loved that show), and Shakespeare Island (I didn't get the gameplay at first, but it would have been extremely fun). House of Cards got a lot of praise, but I personally found its plotline lacking, though the setting was awesome. Pharoah's Fantasies and Prehistoric sounded like stale ideas (but both were unique), Golden Mustache was too cheesy, Fashion Crisis sounded like a cheesier version of Night Watch, and Bikes vs Boards... don't even talk to me about that. It was blatant plagiarism of Teen Beach Movie, and the Creators really set a bad example by awarding that a prize. Not being a music person, I can't judge Symphony Island (though I love classical music).