He's might be a very superstitious fisherman. Here's a conversation with him (where Neptune is, of course, Hades -- creepy) that you will have with him in Survival episode 5:
Click here for Mission Atlantis Guide / Survival Island Guide Mission Atlantis episode 3 ("Out of the Blue") just released for Members, and Survival Island 4 ("Cabin Fever") is also here for non-Members and the Poptropica app. Atlantis 3 is the last episode of one of the most intriguing and exciting islands yet! I wonder if Poptropi-con will be this short? UPDATE: Mission Atlantis guide and video complete! Poptropica Land alpha 2 is also here, and it's... just... amazing. Can't put it into words. You can literally build or destroy anything in the world --- and it's a MASSIVE world -- and it SAVES! Excuse me, give me a couple hours or so to play it. By the way, I got #15 on the Player Map for Atlantis 3! That's my closest yet! So, Survival Island episode 5 is in development now. It starts off with a chase scene, where you try to escape from Van Buren, and this guy helps you. His name is Merc (or it may be Max McGullicutty, from the Survival 3 plane manifest -- it would explain why he's wearing a tie), and he's your true rescuer in Survival. The one who isn't trying to hunt you. He's the one who wrote the message "Meet me in the woods" and "You are not alone" on the tapestry in your room from Survival episode, and signed it "M.M." He's might be a very superstitious fisherman. Here's a conversation with him (where Neptune is, of course, Hades -- creepy) that you will have with him in Survival episode 5: UPDATE: Changes in the files suggest that this is actually dummy dialog that coincidentally seems to fit with Survival 3. Equally likeley is the fact that Merc/Max is actually from the plane and is in a similar situation to you. (Click the image to zoom).
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May 2017