Poptropica is under new management, and it's falling apart at the seams! The newest Island isn't finished, the staff is nowhere to be found, and you can't take two steps without running into a game-breaking bug. Get ready to go behind the scenes for your most important adventure yet — because this time, you've got to save Poptropica itself!
The next island may be the scariest one yet. Because remember when, in Spy, you could just open up your inventory and use the handy bow-tie? In Mocktropica, the next island, you may not even have your backpack to trust: Well, the newest island better be finished! Mocktropica is supposedly a scenario where Poptropica's coders have taken a hike and bugs and glitches are running loose. Sometimes game bugs and glitches are cool, though... when they're on accident. I think the Creators have realized how terribly buggy the newer islands are, and decided to turn that around by making a new island glitchy on purpose. The last island with a good storyline was Lunar Colony or Zomberry. Remember the magnificent Astro-Knights or Steamworks? Those islands were good balances of fun storyline and cool game gadgets/mini-games. Now it looks like we won't be getting much of those quality islands as the Creators tinker with wider screens and obsess over sound tracks. Sigh... Sorry for the rant of cynicism! Mocktropica, though not expected to have a great story, should be a pretty interesting island. Maybe a bit wacky in a fun way. Maybe we'll find something out about how Poptropica works, behind that cloudless light blue sky. Looks like we may be able to modify the island as we're playing it to help complete it. And in the second picture, are those wacky things in the sky just glitches, or are they part of the game? This picture suggests that they're part of the game. I think the floating rocks in the right are this: Even so, the island promises to be riddled with embarrassing non sequiturs, as you might have guessed. How do you get off of the floating islands? This island seems to be a little bit of everything, but I think it may take place near Yellowstone (the American national park). There are geysers and the woodland trees in a lot of the pictures. Also, a lot seem to be about going underground and mining. See the Daily Pop as well as these:
This is Poptrickia, serving you tips, tricks, cheats and more on the awesome game Poptropica for free since 2010! We've got this blog (we call it the Journal), full written walkthroughs for every island and quest in existence, and videos too!
All content on this blog is original and first posted on Poptrickia. Enjoy!
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My username is poptrickia28. Do friend me!
May 2017