- The quests were ridiculously easy and boring -- someone tells you to find item, walk right ten paces, collect item, return item, get 50 coins.
- It seems like almost no new artwork was created for this game. For the most part, you're just walking through scenes from popular items that have been re-arranged a bit.
- Almost no puzzles -- the ones that are there are mostly just tap the screen until something happens.
- Let's imagine this scenario: You have to break a chunk off a mountain as one of your quests.
Normal Poptropica: Find something to help you break it.
Forgotten Islands: Just go up there and break it.
You can imagine that this gets boring fast.
- Monsters fight over ancient Poptropica
- Poptropicans (the Mabaya) hide underground to avoid a "great flood"
- When they come back aboveground, they get conquered by another group of Poptropicans, which came by sea (the Trinity Syndicate).
- The Mabayas drive the Trinity Syndicate back. Syndicate goes home, but is driven away from there. Syndicate is destroyed by the great flood.