I created a guide for Poptropica Land! Click here to read it. It's going to have a full reference guide soon, too. There's also a tutorial.
In Poptropica Land, you use a magical hammer named Svadilfari to create and destroy the landscape. The Creators listened to us and removed the ludicrous coin-mining part of the game; instead, you have to mine Poptanium (looks like blue bubblegum). Every 15 pieces of Poptanium, you level up, getting more building types or biomes, until you collect 150. Building and creating is now free.
I recommend disabling sound. The incessantly chirping birds will drive you mad.
What do you Think?
Also, did you notice the label in the top left: "alpha v2.0"? Obviously, the Creators still have ongoing plans for more versions of Land. Tell me how you liked it in the comments! Click here for the Lands guide!