As most long-time Poptropicans know, an island called "Monster Carnival" was announced, alongside Time Tangled. It was to feature a haunted amusement park with monsters. Sadly, it was never released. Yet...
Take a look at these pictures (click to enlarge), then scroll down to hear my theories.
- The first two show colored triangular flags hanging--they're popular at carnivals. The first one shows a tent in the far right.
- Shows red-eyed creatures--possibly monsters--in a tree in a carnival.
- Looks like some big animatronic thing. Behind it is a roller coaster. Sometimes these are at some of the bigger amusement parks.
- The caption on the Sneak Peek for the fourth one hints at mirrors. Mirror fun houses... carnival...?
- Shows the classic carnival cutout.
- Now it gets interesting! That crab is clearly a monster, and there's a lab in the picture. Hmm...
- I don't know about this one. But, do you notice that it has screws on the nose?
- Perfect. Nothing less than monsters.