First our Poptropica Comic heroes, Oliver and Jorge, accepted. Then things heated up (or, should I say, froze over). Zeus, Dr. Hare, and Black Widow accepted in their own quirky ways, and the former two managed to stoneface it. That's not all. Captain Crawfish just said... From two adventurous boys to one angry god of thunder, the Ice Bucket Challenge continues to spread across Poptropica. We're not done. Who will be next? Cross your fingers that Crawface, Comic Kid and Binary Bard are next! |
The ALS Ice Bucket challenge is, according to Wikipedia, "an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on one's head or donating to the ALS Association." Basically, once you're nominated, you have to dump a bucket of freezing ice water over your head and donate $10, or instead just donate $100. The money goes to help people with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease that slowly destroys a person's ability to control their muscles (that's the best I can understand it). Stephen Hawking is a brilliant physicist who has lived 72 years despite only being able to move one cheek muscle, even though he was given 2 years to live when he was 21. Stephen Hawking->me as Marie Curie->C.J. Anyway, moving on. In other news, another three Land creations have been featured: a house by Mad Tiger (who has done cool stuff before), a haunted house by Hyper Drummer, and my personal favorite, a train by Striped Fox. All of them would look awesome to enter in Poptrickia's Land Contest (which got a shout-out from the Creators, by the way!). If you're a member, please enter your creations!
UPDATE: This contest is now over. Poptropica Land, which re-released to Members last Thursday, has been nothing but awesome so far. But there's just been one thing missing from it. To quote Spotted Dragon, ATP blogger, "you could share the world, but not the experience. What do I mean by that? I mean that it would have been even more amazing if you could join the world with your friends." Well, you can't have a multiplayer Land with your friends, but you can have the next best thing: a Land that hundreds of others will load and play and judge you on! So Poptrickia is going to hold a "construction contest" for Poptropica Land! The theme of the contest is Obstacle Courses, but you can really do whatever you want. Keep reading for the rules and prizes!
First of all, Members, get the new Poptropica Land from the Store this instant. It's too awesome to miss, and free! (If you already got the Prototype version of Land, it's already in your Store Items). Click Launch on the card to start creating! I created a guide for Poptropica Land! Click here to read it. It's going to have a full reference guide soon, too. There's also a tutorial. In Poptropica Land, you use a magical hammer named Svadilfari to create and destroy the landscape. The Creators listened to us and removed the ludicrous coin-mining part of the game; instead, you have to mine Poptanium (looks like blue bubblegum). Every 15 pieces of Poptanium, you level up, getting more building types or biomes, until you collect 150. Building and creating is now free. Strangely, going underwater causes you to lose health rapidly, as does lava (which is always under water). Even stranger, the only way to remove water and lava is to put TNT near it (to trigger TNT, switch to Mining Mode and zap it for a half second). The pic to the right shows the even stranger consequences of that. I recommend disabling sound. The incessantly chirping birds will drive you mad. What do you Think?Pretty awesome, right? The Creators seemed to have made good on their promise to listen to the survey results from the prototype version of Lands, and the new one is a lot more enjoyable, not to mention polished. Some parts are still mechanical, like the arrangement of leaves (PLEASE, Creators, you should randomize them), and how you can actually slide into the landscape and then get slowly pushed up. The selection of creating tools is awesome, Poptanium never gets in the way after everything is unlocked, the max jump height is pretty reasonable, and I'm satisfied. Also, did you notice the label in the top left: "alpha v2.0"? Obviously, the Creators still have ongoing plans for more versions of Land. Tell me how you liked it in the comments! Click here for the Lands guide! Click here for Mission Atlantis Guide / Survival Island Guide Mission Atlantis episode 3 ("Out of the Blue") just released for Members, and Survival Island 4 ("Cabin Fever") is also here for non-Members and the Poptropica app. Atlantis 3 is the last episode of one of the most intriguing and exciting islands yet! I wonder if Poptropi-con will be this short? UPDATE: Mission Atlantis guide and video complete! Poptropica Land alpha 2 is also here, and it's... just... amazing. Can't put it into words. You can literally build or destroy anything in the world --- and it's a MASSIVE world -- and it SAVES! Excuse me, give me a couple hours or so to play it. By the way, I got #15 on the Player Map for Atlantis 3! That's my closest yet! So, Survival Island episode 5 is in development now. It starts off with a chase scene, where you try to escape from Van Buren, and this guy helps you. His name is Merc (or it may be Max McGullicutty, from the Survival 3 plane manifest -- it would explain why he's wearing a tie), and he's your true rescuer in Survival. The one who isn't trying to hunt you. He's the one who wrote the message "Meet me in the woods" and "You are not alone" on the tapestry in your room from Survival episode, and signed it "M.M." He's might be a very superstitious fisherman. Here's a conversation with him (where Neptune is, of course, Hades -- creepy) that you will have with him in Survival episode 5: UPDATE: Changes in the files suggest that this is actually dummy dialog that coincidentally seems to fit with Survival 3. Equally likeley is the fact that Merc/Max is actually from the plane and is in a similar situation to you. (Click the image to zoom). The Creators announced today that Poptropica Land (as it's called now, not Lands) is coming to Members next week -- around the time of Mission Atlantis 3's release. So is Poptropi-con. If you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about, check out this preliminary post about what it's going to be about. You'll need it, because the Creators seem to be in a very teasing mood about Land as evidenced by the incredible detail (not) in the trailer video: Looks like they did quite a bit of work on the old prototype; maybe they listened to our surveys and removed the coins, because the announcement post says "Based on your feedback, we've rebuilt Poptropica Land from the ground up. You can now destroy and rebuild at will, creating whatever your imagination can dream." Click here for more details on Land.
Yesterday I told you about the signs pointing to Legendary Sword's upgrade, and the day before about PoptropiCon. Today I've got even better news: the Poptropica Land Prototype is also going to be upgraded to the big screen, but with a Norse mythology-style twist. It's no longer in beta, so it's called simply "Lands". The Creators posted this image today, with the subtitle "To create, you must first destroy." That sounds an awful lot like the constant building and breaking down you did in Labs. The other tip-off is the old wizard guy holding a glowing hammer (more on that later). Why is that a tip-off, you may be asking? Because there's a suspicious new file on Poptropica's servers now, called "lands". Here's the only thing I found inside (link to it on Poptropica): Notice the resemblance to the Mjolnir from Poptropi-con? And the symbol on it is the triple horn of Odin. Poptropica's obsessed with Norse mythology these days! It looks like you're going to use this hammer (called Svadilfari) to transform the land in Poptropica as a god, like Populous. Interestingly, that's not the name of a hammer, but of a stallion who helped a builder construct a wall around the gods. Kind of appropriate, as this lets a huge number of players design islands for Poptropica -- crowdsourcing, anyone? Sadly, Lands is not free (either that, or it is free but Members-only). I can't wait until we get the upgrade, since the Creators have confirmed it -- until then, you can still play the old Land Prototype! The Creators have come up with something insanely unexpected, yet totally awesome. The full story is somewhat unclear, but... We can finally create our own little mini-islands, right in the game! You use a bunch of different tools to create platforms, backgrounds, and even water. The worlds you start off with are randomly generated, but you can change it and even go to another one via the blimp. One little funny thing in this: little animals, sometimes harmless and sometimes vicious, roam the lands and you can even spawn new ones! Fill out the survey at the end so it can get better. One thing I'm hoping for is the useless finding-gold side-quest is taken out. It's annoying, boring, and gets in the way of building cool things because you have to pay a ridiculous amount to get it. *sigh*... You can play it by going to Home and clicking on the Poptropica Labs tile (currently the second one). It's officially Members-only, sadly. Before I get into the details, l's analyze the rationale the Creators gave us, because it is interesting. We've got a cool new feature to announce. We were playing around with a prototype for user-created Islands and found ourselves wondering what direction to go in. To quote a random Poptropican: "That didn't make a lick of sense." But it looks like we're being the subject of some beta-testing by the Creators (again). Did you catch that bit, "a prototype for user-created islands"? This could mean a whole future of players creating Poptropica islands, not just little old scenes! What do you think?
This is Poptrickia, serving you tips, tricks, cheats and more on the awesome game Poptropica for free since 2010! We've got this blog (we call it the Journal), full written walkthroughs for every island and quest in existence, and videos too!
All content on this blog is original and first posted on Poptrickia. Enjoy!
That's Me!
My username is poptrickia28. Do friend me!
May 2017